1 cup - Buttermilk
1 tsp -R.chilli powder(adjust as per taste)
2 tsp -Corriander powder(adjust as per taste)
2 tsp -Fennel seed powder/sombu powder
1 tsp -Lemon juice
1 tsp -Ginger garlic paste
1 lb - Chicken(thighs and leg or as u desire)
Salt as per taste
2 stks -Cliantro( chopped)
Step1. First, the usuall way, Marginate, chicken with buttermilk, gingergarlic paste, chillipowder, salt, turmericpowder(no need to add corriander powder and sombhu powder) and do it for overnight.
stpe2. then when ready for cook, check for the taste, it should little bit sipcy, if not add some chilli powder, then coat the marginated chicken with corrainder powder and fennelseed powder.
step3. Preheat the oven to 350 degree .
step4. Ina baking sheet keep the marginated chicken and cook in the oven for another 45 mintues.( U can turn the chicken in to otherside inbetween)
step5. check if it is cooked or u can keep for another 10 mintues.
step6. Granish it with corriander leaves and sprinke with lemon juice.

u can use cooking spray, if want little bit oil.
if u fond of masala's u can add.
sorry iam in hurry so i couldn't garnish or give good presentation.,