1 tsp - fennnel seeds
3 no - bay leaves
3 nos - G.chillies(increase or decrease)
1 inch - ginger
6 pods - garlic
1 no - onion(small)
2 nos - sambar onion(optional)
1 cup - mint leaves(cleaned and washed)
2 tsp - oil
salt to taste
Step1.First grind g.chili,garlic,ginger and onion in a mixer.
Step2. then grind the mint leaves separately..
Step3. In a wide pan add 2 tsp oil when it turns hot add funnel seeds and bay leaves.
Step4. Now add the firs grind ed paste and fry for sometimes until the raw aroma are gone.
Step5. After few minutes add the second grinded mint and cook for few minutes.
Step6. Wash the rice and keep aside.
Step7. Now mix the cooked mint and onion paste to the rice and add salt as per your taste.
Step8. Then cook rice in pressure cooker for 3 whistle or rice cooker it...as u do for ordinary pilaf...
My sister