Avocados contribute nearly 20 vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients, including 4% of the recommended Daily Value (DV) for vitamin E, 4% vitamin C, 8% folate, 4% fiber, 2% iron, 4% potassium, with 81 micrograms of lutein and 19 micrograms of beta-carotene.Avocados contain 76 milligrams beta-sitosterol in a 3 oz. serving. Beta-sitosterol is a natural plant sterol, which may help maintain healthy cholesterol levels.A 1 oz. serving of fresh avocado contains 0mg of cholesterol, 0mg of sodium and 0.5g saturated fat. See the chart below for examples of how fresh avocados are a great substitute on sandwiches, toast or substituted as a spread in place of many other popular foods.
2 nos -Ripe avocados
½ no -Onion medium ( chopped)
½ no -Tomato (chopped)
4 stks -Cliantro( chopped)
1½ tsp -Lemon juice
1 tsp -Pepper powder
Salt to taste
pinch -Red chilli powder
Step1. Take Two ripe avocados.

step2.cut into two(not in to exact half 1/4 on oneside and 3/4 on the otherside) so that easy to peel the seed.

step3. peel the skin of the avocado

step4.smash the avocado with spoon or with fork

step5. add chopped onion,cliantro,pepper, salt,lemon juice and pinch of red chilli powder.step6. add chopped tomatoes if u are using it immediately

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